Dismontub S.L. is sold in three models nowadays, with a wireless remote.
Dismontub 13.400 CH-20 is prepared for assembly of K9 ductile iron pipes or reinforced concrete pipes and prestressed concrete pipes, GPR Flowtite pipes from 1.500 mm to 2.000 mm. It can also be applied to a variety of machines (35 to 50 t excavators, truck crane, side boom, pipe layer and cranes with an auxiliary hydraulic system).
Dismontub 13.400 CH-12 is prepared for assembly of K9 ductile iron pipes or reinforced concrete pipes and prestressed concrete pipes, GPR Flowtite pipes from 1.000 mm to 1.500 mm. It can also be applied to a variety of machines (20 to 35 t excavators, truck crane, side boom, pipe layer and cranes with an auxiliary hydraulic system).
Dismontub 7.000 is prepared for assembly of K9 ductile iron pipes or reinforced concrete pipes and prestressed concrete pipes, GPR Flowtite pipes from 300 mm to 1.000 mm. It can also be applied to a variety of machines (wheelloader, 7,5 to 20 t, excavators, truck crane, side boom, pipe layer and cranes with an auxiliary hydraulic system)
Transaqua a prestressed concrete tube manufacturer of Portugal, has
recently acquired 3 units of the Dismontub 13.400 CH-20, for the
assembly of pipes for the Portuguese hydrological plan.
Assembly of prestressed concrete cylinder pipe of 1.600 mm in Portugal.
The Argelian company Amenhyd SPA, the most important company in canalisation projects, with base in Algiers and with more than 1.800 employees, has acquired 3 Dismontub 13.400 CH-20, 2 Dismontub 13.400 CH-12 and 1 Dismontub 7.000, for various projects in the Algeria hydrologic plan.
Assembly of prestressed concrete cylinder pipe of 2.000 mm and 25 t, in Algeria.
The argelian company GROUPE CHIALI, the most important company in the manufacture of PVC pipes and products P.V.C. in ARGUIERS, with base in Sidi Bel Abbès Algiers, has acquired 1 Dismontub 13.400 CH-20, 1 Dismontub
13.400 CH-12, for various projects in the Algeria
hydrologic plan.